Toll Free phone Number Air New Zealand Contact Europe:

Sales, Reservations & Enquiries:
Free calling numbers (if dialled from within the countries listed below)
Austria: 0800 29 58 38
Belgium: 0800 79 586
Czech Republic: 800 143 854
Denmark: 800 17 055
Finland: 0800 11 32 82
France: 0800 90 77 12 (General Public)
Germany: 0800 183 0619 (from inside Germany only)
Ireland: 1800 551 447
Italy: 39 02 43 45 83 90
Luxembourg: 800 225 27
Netherlands: 0800 022 10 16
Norway: 800 110 80
Portugal: 800 880 452
Slovakia: 0800 005 126
Spain: 900 99 32 41
Sweden: 020 79 29 39
Switzerland: 0800 55 77 78

English speaking Contact Centre in New Zealand can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0064 9 357 3000 (International charges will apply).

Local contact details
Greece: +30 210 9652 300
Israel: +972 3560 1616
Russia: +7 495 744 0490